Última atualização: 12 de Setembro de 2024

Artificial Intelligence Engineer

👌 Candidatura simplificada🌍 100% Remoto💬 Inglês✈️ Vaga internacional

Via Linkedin


We are seeking a talented AI Application Developer with experience in Bubble to join our team. The ideal candidate will be responsible for designing, developing, and deploying AI-powered applications that meet our business needs. You will collaborate closely with the CEO, product manager, and other team members to create seamless integrations of AI capabilities into HireMango and other applications.


  • 2+ years building applications on the Bubble platform, including custom plugins and integrations. 
  • 5+ years of Python experience and building APIs with a familiarity with AI frameworks such as TensorFlow or PyTorch.
  • Strong problem-solving skills and ability to work both independently and as part of a team.
  • Excellent communication skills with the ability to explain technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders.
  • Experience with cloud platforms (AWS, Google Cloud, Azure) is a plus.
  • Software and Tools Used
  • Programming Languages: 
  • Python (essential for most AI/ML projects)
  • R (for statistical computing and data analysis)
  • Java/JavaScript (if applicable, especially for integrating AI into web applications)
  • AI/ML Frameworks and Libraries:
  • TensorFlow (for building and training neural networks)
  • PyTorch (popular for deep learning projects)
  • Keras (simplifies building neural networks)
  • NLTK or SpaCy (for natural language processing tasks)
  • Data Science and Analytics
  • Cloud Platforms:
  • AWS (Amazon Web Services) - S3, SageMaker, Lambda, etc.
  • Google Cloud Platform (BigQuery, AI Platform)
  • Microsoft Azure (Machine Learning Studio, Azure Databricks)
  • DevOps and Version Control:
  • Git/GitHub/GitLab (version control and collaboration)
  • Docker (containerization of applications)
  • Jenkins/CircleCI (CI/CD tools for automated testing and deployment)
  • Big Data Tools:
  • Hadoop/Spark (for processing large datasets)
  • Apache Kafka (real-time data streaming)
  • Databases:
  • SQL/NoSQL databases (MySQL, MongoDB, etc.)
  • Data warehousing solutions (e.g., Snowflake, Redshift)
  • APIs and Integration Tools:
  • RESTful APIs (for integrating AI models into applications)
  • Flask/Django (for developing web applications with AI capabilities)
  • Other AI Tools:
  • Jupyter Notebooks (for development and collaboration)
  • OpenCV (for computer vision projects)
  • TensorBoard (for visualizing and optimizing neural networks)
  • Project Management and Collaboration:
  • JIRA/Asana/Trello (for task and project management)
  • Slack/Google Meet (for communication and collaboration)

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