Última atualização: 5 de Setembro de 2024

DevOps Engineer

🌍 100% Remoto💬 Inglês✈️ Vaga internacional

Via Lever


Our Stack

  • Languages: Java / Spring Boot, TypeScript / VueJS
  • Cloud Libraries: Netflix Eureka, Netflix Ribbon, Feign, Netflix Zuul
  • Database: MySQL, Oracle, Mybatis, Druid
  • Cache: Redisson, ElastiCache, Redis
  • MQ:  Apache RocketMQ
  • Tasking:  Elastic Job
  • Server: Netty
  • LoadBalance & Proxy: Nginx
  • Virtualization: Docker, Kubernetes, Rancher
  • Computing & Storage: AWS EC2, VPC, AWS Lambda, EBS, S3
  • Maintenance: AWS Opsworks, Salt, Chef
  • CI/CD: Drone, AWS Codepipeline, Jenkins
  • Monitoring: Grafana, Prometheus, AWS Cloudwatch
  • Logging: ELK, Rsyslog, Log4j2
  • CDN: Cloudflare


  • Work with a team of DevOps and DBA professionals
  • Improve existing infrastructure and processes in the 6 countries we’re currently deployed in as well as streamlining processes deploy to new countries in the future
  • Holistically improve all aspects of our DevOps infrastructure including: reducing costs; streamlining environment provisioning; lowering response times and incorporating the latest techniques and technologies
  • Monitor and maintain the existing cloud infrastructure via autoscaling, automated alerts, and OpsWork and Grafana dashboards
  • Take ownership and responsibility for our cloud operation activities
  • Liaise with external security agencies for annual audits as well as perform our own internal security sweeps
  • Aid in reconfiguring existing architecture to allow for rapid deployments to new countries
  • Mentoring less experienced team members 


  • 3+ years DevOps experience
  • Experience independently leading the planning and deployment of a project
  • Experienced with cloud platforms, especially AWS, including solid knowledge of how to utilise cloud resources to fulfil the demand from other teams and production
  • A sound understanding of modern Micro Services and Service Mesh concepts
  • Experience managing Kubernetes, including CI / CD with Kubernetes
  • Solid networking knowledge, especially the TCP / IP stack and HTTP protocol
  • A strong understanding of cache, including CDN, HTTP cache, Redis / Memcached
  • Excellent troubleshooting skills, including Linux OS issue diagnosis and OS parameter optimisation, JVM optimisation would be highly advantageous

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