Última atualização: 28 de Junho de 2024

QA Engineering Lead

💬 Inglês✈️ Vaga internacional🌍 100% Remoto

Via Lever


Does this sound like you?

  • Hungry and takes great pride in shipping a great product and won’t accept anything other than high standards - a force of nature when empowered with the tools, resources and development to do it. Sees joining Anima as potentially their shot to do this, and takes duty to crew and mission extremely seriously.
  • Strong intuition for product quality, user experience, and empathy. Keen to understand and anticipate user needs, to ensure that the product meets and exceeds user expectations.
  • An impact-driven QA engineer, with exceptional problem-solving ability and aptitude for both manual and automated testing. Proficiency in HTML, CSS, JS, and experience with Cypress, Playwright or similar automated testing tools is preferred, although not mandatory.
  • Believe that we can do better than current state of the art in testing and QA with the help of recent AI advancements (LLMs), and deeply keen to explore new possibilities
  • Extremely detail oriented with ability to adapt quickly to new features and shifting priorities
  • Seeks to maximize not only self productivity but combined team productivity, communicating the right things at the right time through the right channels (verbal/Slack/Notion).
  • We don’t enforce any particular experience level, but you’ll need to demonstrate most of the above through past projects and/or our assessment process. As an early QA hire, you will play a crucial role in shaping our quality assurance processes and ensuring our product meets the highest standards. If you are excited about reshaping health-tech and enhancing user experiences, this role could be for you!

Our Current Stack & What to Expect from the Role

  • We are tech-agnostic and collectively choose the best tools for the job. We’re constantly looking to maximize our productivity and minimize what we call “discounted dev time cost” for shipping features. We have two separate fully functional web apps in production: one for clinical users and one for patients. Our stack is currently entirely in JS/TS: Angular + Capacitor + Electron, React (internal tools), Amplitude (analytics), and a fully serverless backend in AWS (Cognito, Appsync GraphQL, Lambda, DynamoDB). We have good functional & unit test coverage and CI/CD.
  • Our stack is in a great place already: highly scalable, cost-effective, good test coverage, easily maintained, secure, and performant with minimal to zero Ops. The product and codebase are stable and loved by our users. We write, test, deploy & ship new features rapidly. We will soon have canary blue-green deployment.
  • Strategically, we prioritize strong frontend-backend decoupling through GraphQL and strong modularization of frontend and backend into hierarchical pure modules, with high abstraction internal services and helpers, allowing ephemeral lances (similar to ‘squads’) to work on functional modules without needing to understand or be overly concerned about other parts of the codebase.

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