Última atualização: 20 de Junho de 2024

Senior Fullstack Developer (Next.js+React.js)

💬 Inglês✈️ Vaga internacional🧓🏽 Sênior🌍 100% Remoto

Via Weworkremotely


We are looking for a Senior Fullstack Developer (Next.js+React.js) for one of our clients. You are a perfect candidate if you are growth-oriented, you love what you do, and you enjoy working on new ideas to develop exciting products and growth features. 

What we are looking for:

  • You have +3 years of experience with both Next.js and React.js;
  • You have  an extensive experience with JavaScript and EcmaScript6
  • You have a strong understanding of state management frameworks - Redux, React Context, Mobx;
  • You have a strong technical background, an excellent understanding of OOP concepts, and web and front-end application development designs;
  • You have a proficient understanding of web markup, including HTML5, CSS3;
  • You have profound knowledge of cross-browser compatibility issues and ways to work around them;
  • You’re confident using frontend testing: Jest, React Testing Library, Enzyme;
  • You have a good understanding of responsive web development;
  • You’re familiar with SEO principles and ensuring that application will adhere to them;
  • Responsible and able to work with minimal supervision;
  • Upper-intermediate English level;
  • You can communicate well with both technical and non-technical clients.


  • Timezone: CET (+/- 3 hours);
  • Knowledge of TypeScript.


  • Develop new highly responsive, web-based user interface;
  • Work and collaborate with the rest of the engineering team;
  • Learn and understand user interactions;
  • Develop a flexible and well-structured front-end architecture, along with the APIs to support it;
  • Develop new user-facing features using React.js;
  • Build reusable components and front-end libraries for future use;
  • Translate designs and wireframes into high-quality code;
  • Optimize components for maximum performance across a vast array of web-capable devices and browsers;
  • Stay up-to-date with the latest technologies.


  • 💻 100% remote work: Work from anywhere.
  • 👌🏻 Flexibility: The ability to change the project to another one.
  • 💵 Financial growth: Competitive compensation and performance-based increases.
  • 🧘🏻‍♂️ Freedom: Very flexible working schedule.
  • 🚀 360 degree growth: Opportunities for professional development and personal growth.

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