Última atualização: 19 de Junho de 2024

Social Media Manager

🌍 100% Remoto👩‍💻 Freelancer

Via Usebraintrust


What you'll be working on

  • Developing eye-catching titles and thumbnails for YouTube videos
  • Creating engaging short-form videos for YouTube Shorts
  • Strategizing expansion of content to other social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter
  • Managing social media accounts and posting regularly


  • Analyzing video and platform analytics to optimize performance
  • Collaborating with video creators to develop social strategies
  • Scheduling and publishing social posts across all platforms
  • Engaging with viewers through comments and direct messages
  • Tracking and reporting on key performance metrics


  • Experience with YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and other social platforms
  • Understanding of video editing and graphic design basics
  • Strong writing, communication and time management skills
  • Creative thinking and ability to develop engaging content
  • Passion for animals and ability to represent the channel's voice

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