Última atualização: 14 de Junho de 2024

Senior Fullstack Engineer

‍Rocket.Chat is the world's largest open-source communications platform.

🌍 100% Remoto💬 Inglês✈️ Vaga internacional🧓🏽 Sênior

Via Rocket


You will report to our Senior Engineering Manager and be part of the R&D team. On TheOrg you can view the complete structure of our organization, including information about every team member, hiring managers and the size of each department.

Your Responsabilities 

As a Senior Fullstack Engineer, you’ll work on various engineering projects, focusing on improving our general application performance levels while increasing and expanding sizes and volumes. 

Mandatory Hard Skills 

  • Advanced English;
  • Solid Node.js, Javascript, Typescript, and various frameworks development background;
  • Understanding the nature of distributed systems;
  • Understanding fundamental design principles behind a scalable application;
  • Good knowledge of AWS (ALB, EC2, etc);
  • Experience with NoSQL databases, specifically MongoDB;
  • Experience developing RESTful APIs
  • Solid experience with Docker;
  • Good understanding of Kubernetes;
  • Solid experience with event stream apps (Kafka, RabbitMQ, etc).
  • Experience with Grafana;
  • Familiarity with Prometheus.

Desirable Hard Skills 💕 

  • Experience with open-source is a plus;
  • Experience with Golang.

Outras Informações

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