Última atualização: 25 de Maio de 2024

Site Reliability Engineer

Sticker Mule is the Internet's most "kick ass" brand. We are privately-owned, profitable, and powered by a globally distributed team that enjoys building happy customer experience at the highest technical standards.

💬 Inglês✈️ Vaga internacional🌍 100% Remoto

Via Ashbyhq



USD / Anual


We like you to know

  1. Docker
  2. Kubernetes
  3. GCP
  4. AWS
  5. Go
  6. Postgres
  7. Redis
  8. Familiarity with JavaScript
  9. Excellent communication skills (English)
  10. Degree in Computer Science or equivalent practical experience


  1. Build CI and CD pipelines
  2. Optimize and scale workloads
  3. Secure containers and web services


  • $20,000 signing bonus
  • 4 weeks vacation + holidays based on your country of residence
  • Remote work with flexible schedules
  • A privately owned, low-stress culture

Outras Informações

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