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idwall builds trust through data and technology. 

Our technology empowers SMB and enterprise businesses through a flexible, end-to-end identity verification platform, which enables them to build and sustain trust in an unsafe digital world. We reduce fraud while providing a frictionless, on-demand customer experience.

Our mission is to solve the lack of trust and credibility in the digital age with our platform, through identity validation, risk management, compliance and digital onboarding.

Based in São Paulo and funded by Monashees, 500 startups and Canary, our company has a track record of breakthrough achievements: 

(i) Selected for Google Exchange Cybersecurity Tel Aviv;  

(ii) Two time Google Campus São Paulo residents; 

(iii) Top 100 Regtech by Fintech Global; 

(iv) Top 10 Regtech solutions by Banking CIO Outlook; 

(v) Selected as the most innovative solution at Innovation Pay conference.

(vi) First place in Virtuos Company's “Ethical Culture” ranking;

(vii) Approved Company ISO27001.


Benefícios podem variar de acordo com a posição e o formato de contratação.

  • Gympass;
  • Caju - cartão com bandeira VISA com saldo de VR + benefícios flexíveis;
  • Auxílio Home Office mensal;
  • DayOff de aniversário (ou no aniversário do seu filho);
  • Plano de Saúde SulAmérica; Plano Odonto SulAmérica;
  • Auxílio Creche (para filhos de 0 a 5 anos);
  • Seguro de Vida Prudential Psicólogo, nutricionista ou coaching pelo app ZenKlub (4 sessões por mês);
  • Parcerias educacionais para você se desenvolver como quiser.


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